Aircraft General Instructions
Instructions for Mesh Aircraft
Quick Start
1) Drag and drop the aircraft into world, Sit on plane.
2) Put on HUD
3) Touch Engine Button (Toggle: Starts or Stops engines on alternate clicks.
4) Touch Brake to turn off Brake.
5) Use E and C or PgUp or PgDn for Throttle or throttle buttons on lower portion of HUD.
6) Use Arrow Keys as Yoke.
7) Use Yoke Sensitivity button on HUD to Tight (slow turning) or Wide Yoke (fast turning).
Frequently asked questions:
How do you make toggle floats on aircraft? Say "gear floats" in local chat. Say "gear standard" to go back to regular gear.
Copilot will not work? Copilot must be turned on by owner before the copilot sits.
Where do find textures for my plane? Scroll down to the bottom of this page for complete list of urls of master textures.
Detailed Instructions

This is the HUD, a little scary if this is your first plane, but you will get accustomed to it soon enough. The HUD has the most basic of analog flight instruments and digital readouts as well. Also, the HUD relay commands to the aircraft via button touch. It speaks out commands to aircraft in local chat, you can see these commands in local chat window. You can say also say these commands in local chat if you wish to command aircraft with out wearing HUD. This HUD also uses feedback from the aircraft for many indicator buttons. A brief explanation of that is, if you set your flaps for 1/3 position, the HUD issues a command to the aircraft to set flaps at 1/3, the aircraft will do this and then say back to the HUD that the flaps are at 1/3, then the Flap indicator on the HUD will show 1/3 Flaps. This system may seem a little slow sometimes but it was necessary for both a Pilot and Copilot HUD to work simultaneously. More explanation of the HUD is below.
You can use keyboard for throttle (E and C or PgUp or PgDn ) or use the Throttle Readout/Touch Pad to enter in instant settings.
This is a toggle to change the aircraft from a state of non physical to nonphysical. You must turn off brake to taxi or fly. Put brake back on when you wish to be locked in position.
Starting and Stopping Engines
There is an yellowish white button on HUD called Engines. This includes at least a minimal start up procedure that starts engines, turns on lights, and closes the doors.
Engines can be started or stopped using local voice commands.
“start” to start a single engine aircraft, say “stop” to turn off engine.
“lstart” to start left engine, and say “lstop” to shut down.
“rstart” to start right engine, and say “rstop” to shut down.
You have a landing gear indicator/switch on your HUD, on the upper right. It has a switch for up and down position, simply touch the switch to change state of landing gear. The three lights are landing gear state indicators. Green lights means the landing gear is down. Landing gear also responds to "g" voice command.
Flaps have four positions and there is a flap position set of buttons on the upper right of HUD. Touch these buttons to change your flaps or you can use the local voice commands f0, f1, f2, or f3.
You Have 4 Buttons on the HUD referring to Flaps.
Large Flaps Button Off and On Flaps Toggle (it will toggle between last flap setting and flaps up.
Flaps One Third Select 1/3
Flaps Two Thirds Select 2/3
Flaps Full Select Full
This button on HUD is a toggle that will cycle through four camera views.
Toggled on, this will keep aircraft from banking or tilting during turning. The reason for adding this function, is actually for when something goes wrong with the automatics.
This is a toggle between two yoke settings that I call Wide and Tight. The aircraft is preset to wide to make it easy to taxi, but in the air, the Wide setting may be to much. For me, I prefer the added control of Tight Yoke slower response during take offs and landings.
Landing lights toggle on and off.
Navigation lights toggle on and off.
Beacon toggle on and off. This is supposed to be turned on at all times while engines are running.
This is ultimate kill switch. Touch this and whole plane will derez.
HUD explained again Starting from left to right:
Auto Pilot Section - This consists of an auto pilot master switch that will light up in red when on. The compass section of auto pilot has 5 buttons. The center button is the heading or direction seeking on button, it will light up red when on. The N,E,S,W, are direction buttons for setting the direction quickly. The Yellowish section right next to it, is altitude selector for auto pilot. The A is the on switch and will light up red when on. The auto pilot will be set at 250 feet as a default when turned on. The U button increase the altitude selected by 25 feet increments and the D button will decrease the altitde selected. The Selected altitude will show up in the Alt Set indicator. You can also set your direction by saying dirset # and altitude by saying altset #, where # is the new setting. Leave space between command and setting. The ALT button can be also be pressed and it will ask you to enter in a selected altitude. The TKF button is gadget I couldn’t help but put in, this is a auto takeoff program. Basically line up your aircraft for take off and touch it, it will go through a take off procedure and safely take off, before letting you take over again at the yoke. Important: Autopilot and the HUD altimeter read out are in "Feet Above Sea Level", this is different than the Second Life altitude. Second Life Viewers display altitude in "Meters above Maximum Depth of Sea.
Flaps - Next to the Auto pilot section on top is your touch button Flaps Control.
Airspeed Indicator - this will display 1/6th scaled airspeed both with instrument and digitally above. The throttle setting is also shown here digitally.
Artificial Horizon - this shows your aircraft’s orientation or attitude, both visually with instrument and with digital readout.
Heading Indicator - same thing as a compass.
Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) - This tells you your speed of assent or descent.
Landing Gear Switch and Indicator.
Fuel Gauge - This is basically a odometer that acts like a fuel gauge, and left alone, it will run out of fuel and stop the engines on your aircraft, leaving you gliding to an emergency landing. To refuel, use a fuel station or the gas can supplied with aircraft. The fuel portion of this script is freely distributed to the entire flying community in hopes that this will remain standardized in the sense that all fuel pumps will work in all planes in the future. Future fuel scripts can be changed but it would be nice if they were all activated by the word in local chat “refuel’.
Reverse Thruster - Back to the bottom left of the HUD, you find this switch, touching this will reverse the thrust from forward to backward.
CP Button - Copilot activation button.
Reset HUD Button.
Throttle Touch Pad - touch this to set your throttle by touch, it will also act as a throttle indicator during flight.
Engines Button - This is a duel function button, that is it will both start and stop the engines. This will first take the aircraft through start up procedures or shutdown procedures.
Brake - this is the physical / non physical switch. You must release brake to roll on tarmac.
Wide Yoke/Tight Yoke - this switch changes turning parameters in your aircraft from tame to a bit more extreme.
Hide Balls - this will hide the pose balls, both for aesthetics and to keep uninvited noobs from sitting.
Derez - This is ultimate kill switch. Touch this and whole plane will derez.
Reset Plane - Do this while standing - This will reset the plane and HUD back to defaults, as if you just rezzed aircraft.
Landing Lights Switch.
Navigation Lights Switch.
Strobe Switch.
Beacon Switch.
Log - this keeps track of time flown, touch it to turn it off - say log # to enter in new number to start from.
Odometer - Touch to turn off and on - say odometer # to enter in new number to start from.
* odometer and log can be set to a new value, if you want to transfer your previous log and odometer counted on old HUD to the update HUD. Say in chat “odometer #” or “log #”, # being the new value. Leave a space between the command the value.
Auto Pilot:
Many thanks to Skitch Sabretooth, for helping me design Auto Pilot.
Direction Seeking Auto Pilot.
The aircraft will turn to one of 4 desired directions, North, East, South, and West.
Auto Pilot. It turns the logical correct direction when a new direction is selected, The turning of the aircraft by autopilot is with no banking, as of original release. Also, the autopilot turning in the air is intentionally subtle, until the day the banking is scripted in.
Altitude Seeking Auto Pilot
The Auto Pilot is set at 250 feet by default, and if it is turned on, it will seek and level at that altitude. The script looks at distance between your current altitude and desired altitude, and sets its pitch mathematically to the pitch needed to gain that altitude, and thus, level out when altitude desired is reached.
HUD interface for Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot Master Switch Turn of and on Auto Pilot
Direction Seek On and Off D
Direction Choice Pad N,E,S,W
Altitude Seek On and Off A
Raise or Lower Altitude U and D
You and a friend can fly the aircraft at the same time, no switching of control to only the copilot or pilot. This is excellent for the instructor/student scenario. I am so overjoyed to be offering this new function, because it adds so much more dimension to the SL aviation experience to have a friend in the copilot seat. Copilot function is turned off as default, for obvious reasons. To turn this on, touch the CP button near the Auto Pilot section of the HUD. For the copilot's HUD to work properly he must touch the CP button also. IMPORTANT: Copilot must be turned on before the copilot sits.
Warning: Turning copilot on will make it so others can give your aircraft chat commands. This may cause a conflict if you are within 20 meters of another DSA aircraft because it will hear the commands from someone else.
Also, putting the Camera Scripting for copilot in copilot seat causes conflicts. I have added an additional HUD for the copilot to wear, its a tiny button that when pushed will cycle through all the camera views the pilot has. Give both a copy of your HUD and the copilot Camera to you copilot.
Reverse Thrusters…is a switch on the HUD (or you an activate by saying revthon or revthoff in chat). This switch causes the reverse thruster doors on the rear of the jet engines to deploy and force thrust forward, causing the aircraft to roll backward on tarmac, or for the very brave…deploying in the air (this would kill you in real life). I plan to be setting up an auto breaking sequence to the aircraft on the production model, meaning you could hit a switch and the reverse thrusters would deploy after landing, break the aircraft nicely, then retract automatically. But, for now, you have a switch to play with that will deploy the reverse thruster doors and give you power in reverse.
Voice Commands
start_____________Starts all engines
lstart_____________Starts left engine
rstart_____________Starts right engine
y________________Toggles wide yoke and tight yoke
w________________Toggles wing leveler off and on (wing leveler is what keeps aircraft from banking on tarmac)
c________________Toggle through 5 camera views
t 0 through t 10____Sets throttle from 0 to 100% (must leave a space between t and number)
f0 through f3_____Sets Flaps, zero is flaps up and three is flaps full down
revthon_________Sets thrust to reverse
revthoff_________Sets thrust forward
autoon__________Turns on autopilot master
autooff__________Turns off autopilot master
dirseekon________Turns on heading seeking autopilot
dirseekoff________Turns off heading seeking autopilot
altseekon________Turns on altitude seeking autopilot
altseekoff________Turns off altitude seeking autopilot
dirset #__________Sets the auto pilot's heading to a specified direction (must leave a space between dirset and number)
altset #__________Sets the auto pilot's altitude (must leave a space between altset and number)
pitch #___________This will change the pitching of the aircraft - default setting is 1 - lower numbers such as .1 will decrease the pitching of aircraft and higher settings such as 5 will increase the pitching (must leave a space between pitch and number)
yaw #____________This will change the yaw of the aircraft - default setting is 1 - lower numbers such as .1 will decrease the yaw of aircraft and higher settings such as 5 will increase the yaw (must leave a space between yaw and number)
roll #____________This will change the roll of the aircraft - default setting is 1 - lower numbers such as .1 will decrease the roll of aircraft and higher settings such as 5 will increase the roll (must leave a space between roll and number)
log #____________Will change the time counted on log
odombeter #_____Will change the kms recorded on the odometer
laon_____________Turn on landing lights
laoff_____________Turn off landing lights
beon____________Turn on beacon
beoff____________Turn off beacon
naon____________Turn on navigation lights
naoff____________Turn off navigation lights
ston_____________Turn on strobes
stoff_____________Turn off strobes
(following lights are in 900 XP only)
ruon_____________Turn on runway lights
ruoff_____________Turn off runway lights
taon_____________Turn on tail light
taoff_____________Turn off tail light
caon_____________Turn on interior lights
caoff_____________Turn off interior lights
fon______________Turns on Floats and Water Detection
foff______________Turns off Floats and Water Detection
gear floats________Changes Morphing Aircraft from Standard Gear to Floats
gear standard_____Changes Morphing Aircraft from Floats Gear to Standard
speedscale #______this is set at default of 6, this means that you speed indicator will read 6 times sl scale. If you wish a faster flight, try setting to 5, or 4, or 3. Adjust to 7 or higher for slower flight.
To make my aircraft practical for maneuvering inside of a Sim and use on relatively short runways, I have scaled the speed. That is if your HUD says you are going 6 knots you are doing only 1 in sl, this is because it is scaled at 6X speed.
This is stated in the aircraft script as “speedscale = 6“. If you wish the aircraft to fly on different speed scale, you can do this by saying “speedscale 4” for instance. I raise the engine thrust with speed scale, because the aircraft will underpowered.
enginethrust #_____If you want more power, raise this number. It is set at 1 as default. A parameter of "2" will make the plane very fast.
Inertia #________ This effects how fast the aircraft will will pick up speed or decrease in speed. It is set at default 15 which seems fine for speedscale 6, but you may wish to decrease this number when using speedscale 5 or less. If you feel your aircraft takes too long to pick up speed, then lower this number.
stallspeed #_______Here you can adjust minimum speed to get full lift or speed you begin stalling with out flaps. This is also you minimum take off speed.
stalleffect # _______ This has is set at 0 as default, but is a cool function that is not fully perfected at the time of typing this description. This function works well when set at “stalleffect 5“. This will force the nose down on aircraft if speed falls below stall speed.
flapeffect #________Flaps reduce stallspeed, here you can adjust just how much. Default setting is .055, small changes to this number has great effects. In other words if you want a less increased lift from the flaps, use a lower number, or vise versa.
rollaltlose # _____ Changing this variable will change how much loss of altitude one experiences during roll or turning the aircraft.
tpitch #___________This will change the pitching of the aircraft in Tight Yoke - default setting is 1 - lower numbers such as .1 will decrease the pitching of aircraft and higher settings such as 5 will increase the pitching.
troll #____________This will change the roll of the aircraft in Tight Yoke - default setting is 1 - lower numbers such as .1 will decrease the roll of aircraft and higher settings such as 5 will increase the roll.
wpitch #___________This will change the pitching of the aircraft in Wide Yoke.
wroll #____________This will change the roll of the aircraft in Wide Yoke.
tTaxi .25__________Sets the tight taxi response to .25
wTaxi____________Sets the wide taxi response to .60
How the aircraft yaws during rolling, that is how the long it takes the aircraft to turn from east to north is not as simple as one adjustment. It three parameters working together.
These have been set to defaults but you can change these numbers and get different behaviors of yaw during roll. The commands are:
vat # _____________VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE - Negating the banking coefficient will make it so that the vehicle leans to the outside of the turn.
vbe # ____________VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY - For example, consider a real motorcycle... it must be moving forward in order for it to turn while banking, however video-game motorcycles are often configured to turn in place when at a dead stop.
vbm # ____________VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX - increasing will reduce the amount of yaw during roll - fine tune with both rollrate and dihedral.
The time it takes for the banking behavior to defeat a per-existing angular velocity about the world z-axis is determined by the VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE. So if you want the vehicle to bank quickly then give it a banking timescale of about a second or less, otherwise you can make a sluggish vehicle by giving it a timescale of several seconds.
The dihedral effect and the roll rate are controlled by two parameters working together.
Some vehicles, like boats, should always keep their up-side up. This can be done by enabling the "vertical attractor" behavior that springs the vehicle's local z-axis to the world z-axis (a.k.a. "up"). To take advantage of this feature you would set the VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE to control the period of the spring frequency, and then set the VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY to control the damping. An efficiency of 0.0 will cause the spring to wobble around its equilibrium, while an efficiency of 1.0 will cause the spring to reach its equilibrium with exponential decay.
vvae # ___________VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY (vee vee a e)
vvat # ___________VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE (vee vee a t)
For Float Planes], I have written speed dependent scripts for float plane logic. The aircraft can land on water at any speed, but you must come down to a particular speed to trigger the aircraft's ability to take off. So two speeds are in particular interest to you, the speed which the aircraft must drop to in order to trigger the ability to take off and the speed of which the aircraft can let go of the water and become airborne.
The aircraft can land at any speed, but must drop down to “triggertakeoffspeed” in order to go into take off mode. The aircraft must reach speed in “floattakeoffspeed” in order to become airborne. Below are commands to the floats you can use to change these speeds, say them in local chat or list them on your Custom Parameters Notecard.
floattakeoffspeed #__This is the speed you will become airborne and no longer floating when using a sea plane.
triggertakeoffspeed #__This is the speed you must obtain to trigger, landing on water mode, to taxi and ready for take off mode.
float height # ______this the height the aircraft floats in water, especially useful when resizing aircraft.
fon______________turns on float script if it were turned off.
foff______________turns off the float script, may be useful when climbing boat ramps.
key_____________This turns on the script that can shut down all the scripts in the aircaft’s root prim, and copilot seat (where 90 percent of script time is). This gives the pilot the ability to park his plane for long periods with causing less than a trickle script time, then being able to turn it on and fly again. This is an attempt to do away with the display and make it much more fun.
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